Microscope Facilities

Condition: Ensure samples are dry, free from crystalline water, and do
not contain magnetic materials (e.g., Fe, Co, Ni, Mn) or substances that
are radioactive, corrosive, toxic, volatile, sublimable, flammable,
explosive, or unstable under electron beam irradiation.

For any query related to the instrument,
Contact : Mr. Pawan 8595791843

  • Category Microscope Facilities
  • Availability Available
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Instrument's Description

Cold Field Emission Gun (CFEG): Provides high brightness and narrow energy spread, enabling high-resolution imaging and precise electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) with energy resolution better than 0.33 eV Quad-Lens Condenser System: Independently controls the electron beam intensity (spot size) and convergence angle, providing versatility for various imaging and analytical techniques.

Sample Description
Sample Requirements:
To ensure optimal performance and preserve sample integrity, consider
the following guidelines:

Size and Thickness: Samples should be less than 1 μm in particle size
and less than 100 nm in thickness. For nanoparticles, use carbon-coated
grids; for one-dimensional or two-dimensional nanomaterials, use
microgrid grids.
Preparation: Samples may require preparation methods such as ion
milling, focused ion beam (FIB) milling, or ultra-thin sectioning to
achieve the desired thickness, typically less than 50 nm, and a diameter of
3 mm.
Price List
For Internal usage Per Hour of imaging only 500
For Internal usage Per Hour of imaging/SAED/EDS 900
For External (Academics) usage Per Hour of imaging only 1500
For External (Academics) usage Per Hour of imaging/SAED/EDS 2300
For External (Industries) usage Per Hour of imaging only 4000
For External (Industries) usage Per Hour of imaging/SAED/EDS 5000